PArtying With litter for the last little while until the guitar sounds started making asses of themselves thats when something had to be done and done well so here it all is it's d it's maybe not quite as goog as I hoped but it never is is t?? this is when it starts being a big problem or as some like to say "issue" I say "bleeerpodkllk" instead but thta just me no probs but yeah I was heavily under the spell of his nashvulle skiline LP and i thought I'd write this little dittie hope

Friday, December 18, 2009

ylan's first tript to Nashvill complete with real C&W session musici

isplaying a complete immersion into cotry music. Along with the more basic themes and simple songwriting structures, it introduced audiences to a radically new singing voice from a soft, affected country croon t

so I figure I'l jus share this here with you

hope ya'll like er not sokay...?
but Mr. Johnny
Cash doesn't show up much unfortunately either does
Mr.Carl Perkins. but the guitars start acting like imbeciles and I have to say there's more
sound generated by the actual optical track
of the 16mm film stock which probably belonged to
one of those old Filmmaker’s Cinematheque in 1964
losers or r Lionel Rogosin or someone etc. I'd ra

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